This article contains many inaccuracies.

No one should defend Jonathan Yudelman as his actions were abhorrent.

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It's clear that the video was carefully edited to omit the likely pro-terrorist behavior by the Muslim female who had nothing to say about Oct. 7.. Towards the end of the video, you see her getting on her bike. Why did she approach the pro-Israel rally? Why was she there?

What did she say or do before she was yelled at? Clearly you, like many others on this thread, opine without full context.

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There has been a plethora of pro-terrorist Israelis crashing peaceful Palestinian protests. I would love to see your reaction had any of the Palestinian protestors acted like this filthy pro-Israelli terrorist. These were two grown men attacking women; and here you are finding ways to defend them by making things up. Would like too see this predator do the same to a man his size.

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He approached and intimidated a woman. Like a coward that he is. Whoever sees him should break his teeth

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Your argument is the dumbest one yet. Its like saying....

"What did the jews say or do before the Nazis decided to exterminate 6 million of them during WWII? Clearly you, like many others on this thread, opine without the full context".

Now do you realize the stupidity of your argument? Nothing justifies such behavior or reaction, neither by Hitler nor by this stupid Yudelman.

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The only party who are known to miscontrue and alter mediums to accommodate their propaganda are the zionists. You're clearly too emotional and fail to understand you've been propagandised.

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No they were not. He was rightfully angry. He expressed that anger. That is our right.

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It is also your right to get your skull cracked for disrespecting someone like this. This is not Palestine buddy, you dont have a clue who you are dealing with.

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Yes I agree, Yup it is your right to throw your body at women and to throw a temper tantrum like a 3 year old girl.

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Thank you. Finally someone who understands.

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The question is why would anyone care to defend him? I'm a Jew and I'm ashamed by "Dr" Yudelmen's behavior.

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Look at the video. DO you have the full context? What happened immediately before the video shows Yudelman getting excited? Why was the Muslim female, who had nothing to say about Oct. 7, at a pro-Israel rally?

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There are very few contexts where walking threateningly at someone like that would be okay. It doesn't matter why she's at the rally. People are allowed to counterprotest things. I've done that a few times in my life, and that doesn't mean I'm asking for violence or that physically threatening behaviour against me would be okay.

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My point is that we don't know what the Muslim female did right before Yudelman because the video does not show the full incident. All of those making judgments of Yudelman are doing so without full context. She got off easy being called a "bitch". Jews have been beaten on American campuses and prevented from attending classes, not to mention the women raped and mutilated on Oct. 7. The Muslim "bitch" should be thankful she can express her antisemitism and anti-Americanism without risk of being treated like her comrades treat Jews and Americans.

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Your reply seems self-sabotaging if you're both trying to say that we don't know what happened before the video and somehow *also* saying she got off easy.

What we see is physically threatening behaviour from Yudelman. It's hard to imagine things that may have happened before the video started that could justify it, but I suppose maybe if we worked at it we could imagine something. Absent evidence, we have to consider as well the more likely possibility that Yudelman lost his temper, or that he stopped treating her as an individual and somehow saw her as responsible for things she didn't do (like your irrelevant mention of things that happened in another country in another year).

We shouldn't assume she's antisemitic without evidence. Likewise anti-American (which seems like a bizarre claim to level).

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Personally, if I were a betting person, I'd bet the Muslim is not an innocent bystander. So no, I'm not self sabotaging. These Muslims types who have nothing to say about the Oct. 7 victims are cry bullies. Like Hamas, they attack and theynthey cry when they get a reaction. That you don't see that, like many other on this thread, is a big problem.

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So you just baselessly assume, when we see a video with one abuse, that the abuser is justified and that the target deserved it. Seems pretty twisted to me.

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Oct 7th victims. Lmaoo what about past 76 years of oppression. The wool has been lifted. Save the lies for someone else scumbag

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If she is a Muslim “bitch” You are a jewish “bitch” simple as that. Go to Israel dirt bag

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He has all the right enemies. It is a badge of honor that I hope can buoy his spirits as he battles back against the racist, communist, Islamofascist trash that is after him.

How dare he push back against Jew-hatred? The Texas legislature should end tenure and order that every professor and administrator who supports the Oct. 7th terrorists be fired.

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This is America bud you don't like free speech or the right to demonstrate, leave. Go join the IDF instead of asking our officials to put a foreign nation before the constitutional rights of our citizens.

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There's no "constitutional right" whatsoever to intimidate Jews on campuses, to take over buildings, to completely disrupt the university's operations. And if you're yakking about free speech what exactly was HE exercising eh?

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Brain dead and blind. Did you even watch the video? Physically intimidating someone especially a female is never ok wether practicing her constitutionally protected right to protest Zionism, Shariah or Lesbian Leprechauns. She clearly tried walking away numerous times and he continued to follow and intimidate her. He's a pussy with pussy tendencies and only a pussy would be OK with what he did. Are you a treasonous paid shill or just someone who hates our countries freedom. Whether stemming from lack of intelligence, being conditioned by daddy that its ok to intimidate woman or your obvious innate hatred for freedom and our constitution, your in denial of truth. Even with video your in denial of the truth and any moral principles. Which leaves one to believe you are willfully ignorant and any further engagement would be fruitless and in vain.

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He is a coward and a perfect example of Israel and their policies with Palestinians. He saw she outnumbered and scared and he pushed on. Had it been a group of men, he would have been quiet as a mouse.

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It's clear that the video was carefully edited to omit the likely pro-terrorist behavior by the Muslim female who had nothing to say about Oct. 7. I do hope that those defending the Hamas supporter, are as outspoken about condemning all the terrorist supporters that have been destroying property and harassing and beating Jews on American campuses or do you call it "peacefully protesting"?

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Lumping Jews in with Israelis is ignorant at best.

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Intimidation is only for thee, not for me? And Jews are protesting against the genocide too. Don’t forget that. Or you get to define who is a Jew and who isn’t now, do you?

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Not sure how I found this creepy corner of the web, but there seem to be a ton of backwards ass hillbillies here. Wth?

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Free speech doesn’t mean getting physically aggressive you dimwit. Honestly how many times you are gonna bend over backwards and bend the rules as you fit? Might makes right and perpetual victimhood much?

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State schools are themselves an unconstitutional violation of the guarantee of a republican form of government. Republicanism means the people are sovereign. They tell government what values to pursue (the priority of liberty being the first value, if the majority retains a small "r" republican ethos), the government does not tell the people what the correct values are.

As soon as government got into the education business, it was inevitable that the universities would be captured by some political faction and would start using its authority over students to start imposing its ideology as a state religion.

It was captured by our now fully communist Democratic Party, which has been indoctrinating K-12 students with the most insane eco-lies for 50 years. "Capitalism is killing the planet! [First by causing global cooling, then by causing global warming], so we have no choice but to go commie."

Higher education added to this the DIE anti-values. DIE is the actual order. First it was "Diversity," judging people by their skin color instead of by their individual character and merit, then "Inclusion," meaning no one can offend anyone, which would mean no speech at all, because everything offends someone, so they limited it to nobody can offend anyone more marginalized, which ultimately means rule by the tiniest minority ("trans," which in DIE territory now get to dictate everyone's speech).

Democracy has been called "the worst system of government, except for all the others." Minority rule is the worst of all the others, the very worst system of government possible. It is what the long battle for liberty, culminating in America, was escaping from.

"Equity" replaces another actual value -- equality of opportunity -- with another pure anti-value: equality of outcomes. As Federalist 10 explained, equality of outcomes is the annihilation of liberty. That's because people have different capacities, and choose to use their liberty in different ways. That is the whole point of liberty. People can do what they want, immediately leading to large and growing inequality.

We are forced to choose. Moral people choose liberty. Those who favor communism (the system of universal slavery) choose equality of outcomes.

At every turn, the communists' fake DIE "principles" are polar opposite to actual values, and they are being imposed through an unconstitutional inversion of the fundamental republican principle that the people are master government is the slave.

Until we can eliminate these un-republican institutions, they should at least be responsive to the electoral will of the people. Racist, communist, Islamofascist professors can have free speech, but they have no right to it on the public's dime.

We are in a situation where we can only try to choose the lesser constitutional violation. If public universities are going to exist, that constitutional violation is mitigated somewhat when state legislatures are free to make sure that at least the universities are not captured by minority ideologies that are grossly at odds with the views of the majority.

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Imagine taking the insane manifesto that you wrote alone in your own faeces, and typing it up.

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Sounds like Ryan is going along with the communist DIE anti-values without having a clue what they are. I'm guessing he is one of the many who got duped into leftism starting in elementary school by the eco-lies that CO2, released by capitalist burning of fossil-fuels, is causing catastrophic global warming. Is that it Ryan? They got you thinking that by being a leftist you were helping to save the planet?

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No, nothing so fanciful. I think if I was radicalized by anything it was the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, and the authoritarian transformation of the country, breakdown of global democratic institutions, etc.

What's going on now is simply: which side has consistently targeted women, children, and the elderly for decades? Which side is demonstrably killing thousands of women, children, and the elderly now, with no operational objective (see iraq war above)? Which side has billions of dollars of bleeding edge weaponry to prosecute a war on civilians, versus literally ripping up sewer piping to build rockets? Which side has used the ADL to spy on Americans, infiltrate police departments, spy on college students for decades? Which side blatantly flaunts international law? Which side has enjoyed special treatment in getting nuclear weapons--the only non-IAEA signatory country, by the way.

Thanks for talking to me like a baby, but I really think you should get back to drawing circles in your own shit.

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What a joke you are.

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How dare he physically harass and verbally assault unarmed an innocent woman? You seem to have anger issues? What’s “racist, communist, Islamofascist”? What does that even mean and what’s that got to do with the truth that he was physically harassing someone? Have you considered zen meditation? You seem to be a fitting candidate for it.

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Yudelman seems to be claiming in the video that she started it. I'm guessing she was shouting something like Jews are not welcome on campus and should "go back" to somewhere (since Yudelman said she should "go back to Jihad"). Maybe she made some Maxine Waters' type "get in their faces" comment?

To judge whether he was unreasonable, I would need to see what she had been doing and saying. Pursuing her conversationally, if she had indeed been saying inflammatory things herself, does not by itself seem unreasonable.

Unwise maybe, but maybe it was called for. If she was calling for the mass murder of Jews, wouldn't it be reasonable for someone to call her a bitch to her face?

P. S. AM doesn't know who the racists, the communists and the Islamofascists are? Haha.

All orthodox Muslims are Islamofascists. That's small "o" orthodox, following the orthodoxy of established sharia law, which calls for endless aggressive jihad, with endless mass murder, mass slaving, mass sex-slaving, mass pillaging, and mass extortion, of all non-Muslim peoples until all the world is under Islamic law.

Communism and fascism are, of course, the same thing, (international socialism and national socialism), with insignificant differences, akin to the difference between Sunni and Shiite Islam. The real difference is just in the competing claims as to which Islamic faction, or which communist/fascist faction, is the "legitimate" totalitarian ruler of all mankind. None of them are, of course.

And pretty much all totalitarian movements are racist. The current racist, communist, Islamofascist, alliance is racist against Jews, whites, and Asians.

Is AM really ignorant of the "anti-whiteness" of DEI? (Chronologically, DIE.)

"Anti-whiteness" means being against what white people created, for example: the actual values of liberty, majority rule, equal protection of the laws (or individual justice), and equal opportunity (the opposite of the equality of outcomes that DIE embraces as one of its fake values).

The commies are anti-white as a cover for being anti-liberty. People of other races who don't want to be enslaved (or enslaved again), take note. If you don't want to fall under the yoke of the communist/fascist system of universal slavery, you had best start appreciating the race that fought to end chattel slavery a hundred and sixty years ago.

Born into a world of slavery, America ended it four score and seven years later, and together with England purged it from half the world. That other half of the world is trying to make a comeback, and anyone who sides with the slavers now is a moral pervert of the highest order.

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You write, "To judge whether he was unreasonable, I would need to see what she had been doing and saying." So would I. I hope Bradley would too, rather than assuming.

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Yes, exactly! What prompted this outrage and response from the esteemed professor of ethics. I am sure you asked the same question what happened before October 7 that led to October 7? I am sure you did. Maybe time to ask again now rather than assuming.

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What happened before Oct. 7 was 75 years of Arabs attacking Israel and Jews without having been wronged in any way, trying at every turn to kill as many Jews as possible, combatant and noncombatant, while Israel only responds defensively to these attacks, always trying to minimize non-combatant casualties to an extent never seen before or since by any other military until the U.S. in Iraq.

Start at the beginning. The formation of the Jewish state did not dispossess anyone. The Jews bought their private landholdings. The creation of Israel only altered governmental jurisdiction. Now the land would be under a government that afforded full modern protection for individual rights, religious rights, property rights, and political rights, that no one in that part of the world had ever known before.

Arabs living within the new state were not harmed by this. They were benefited by this. In no way was the attack on Israel a just or defensive war. It was instead a war demanded by the aggressively violent, totalitarian, orthodox Islamic religion of the attacking Arab states.

The fundamental dictate of Islam is that its followers must engage in endless mass murder, mass slaving, mass sex-slaving, mass pillage, and mass extortion of all non-Muslim peoples until all the world is under Islamic law, and one of its commands, pursuant to this over-arching objective, is that no lands that ever come under Islamic control can ever fall from Islamic control. Muslims are ordered to fight to the death against this.

That is not a defensive act. Israeli jurisdiction did not injure the life, liberty or property of any Arab. It only injured Islamic religious pride, and any killing that is not in defense of life, liberty, or property is murder. That is the definition of murder: not in defense of self or others.

So the attack was not a just war, which means that the blame for all of the harms that result from going to war, and putting individual justice into forced abeyance, falls entirely on the attacking Arab states.

A small minority of Palestinian Arabs did suffer great injustice in 1948. The great majority of Palestinians sided with the attacking Arab states, fleeing their homes in Israel and the surrounding war zones at the behest of the attacking Arab states. For that group, it was no injustice that they lost their property. They should lose their property, and if anyone has to die, it should always be the attackers and their backers.

But not all of those who fled would necessarily be on the side of the attackers, though the vast majority of them certainly were. Some fled just for their safety, not because they supported the Arab attack, and they can hardly be blamed for that. But the Israelis are not to blame either.

This is the consequence of war: that individual justice, a leading benefit of civil society, has to be set aside until civil relations can be restored. Until then, it is all about winning the contested terrain and destroying the enemy's ability to fight. When the Arab side lost the war, Arabs lost the contested terrain.

The blame for that is entirely on the attacking Arab states, just as the blame for every civilian casualty in Gaza now is properly blamed on the perpetrators of the Oct. 7th attack (Hamas and its backers).

If Israel was trying to cause non-combatant deaths, that could be a wrong, but Israel is extreme in its avoidance of non-combatant deaths, the polar opposite of Hamas.

Look at it in terms of the ratio of wrongs. For every wrong that Israel can even arguably be claimed to have committed, Hamas and its backers have committed a hundred times more. They try to commit wrongs, while Israel always tries to avoid wrongs, and it has been this way at every juncture.

The idea that, since the conflict has been going on for 75 years now, there must be comparable wrongs on both sides, is completely wrong, a product of pure ignorant imagination. The length of the conflict, with Arabs always being in the wrong, just increases year by hear the magnitude of the disproportion of wrongs. The Arabs get wronger and wronger every year.

Some Arabs who did not flee were expelled, and that too was an exigency of war, the blame for which also falls entirely on the Arab side. Israel by rights should have kept all of the land it conquered military in its acts of necessary self-defense: the entire West Bank, and not just Gaza but the entire Sinai. Let the Arabs try to tunnel under that. Such are the imperatives of secure borders.

Israel has done so much less to defend itself than it could legitimately have done. The idea that the Palestinians are in any way victims of anything but the criminal acts of other Palestinians and other Arabs is absurd, and for the most part only exists through willful ignorance.

Yes, the stupid college kids really don't know anything. But even they aren't children. Before they go backing the side that actually has been trying to commit genocide for 75 years, and that just mass-murdered another 1500 Jewish innocents, they really have an obligation of due diligence to know the first thing about the reality of the situation.

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I started reading your diatribe and I said to myself this has turned into a discussion of theology and Mr. Rawls must have a doctorate in theology or at least in history just like Jonathan Yudelman has a Phd in "Ethics". So, before replying i decided to look at your profile and familiarize myself with your academic background. What i saw was actually amusing than anything else.

Let me quote just one part from above... "The fundamental dictate of Islam is that its followers must engage in endless mass murder, mass slaving, mass sex-slaving, mass pillage, and mass extortion of all non-Muslim peoples until all the world is under Islamic law".

You have zero knowledge of the basic tenants of Islam. You have absolutely no knowledge of what the religion of Islam entails. All i see is that you are a rabid Islamophobe. One who thinks the 1.8 billion Muslims of the world are by default terrorists. Thats the most bigoted and racist statement I have heard lately.

Not even the Zionists say anything close to that. Even they say every Palestinian, including men, women, children and babies in incubators are all "Khaa-maas" terrorists. Even they didn't extend the terrorist label to the rest of the followers of the muslim faith.

As i was reading about your past exploits, i came across your Islamophobia when i saw your paid advertisement from 2008 declaring that the Flight 93 memorial in Pennsylvania was being constructed as a mosque on an epic scale! complete with a minaret. It was hard to believe that there exist nuts like you who think they can have a rational discussion on anything let alone the complex history of the Middle east in general and the Holy lands in particular.

You actually wrote a book (no longer in print) called "Crescent of Betrayal:Dishonoring the Heroes of Flight 93". I mean no one can take you seriously after seeing THIS!


And then you say these "stupid college kids really don't know anything"

First I thought you were just a religious nut but turns out you are just nuts :D

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Go back to Jihad 😂.

I found it funny more then offensive, I am a muslim and Jonathan let emotion get the better of him. I hope he learns a lesson from this and actually takes the time to research Islam because he clearly doesnt understand it.

I also believe in forgiveness and I hate this new cancel culture.

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I saw the video. I consider myself a friend of the Jews. But I have no sympathy for such behaviour. He was caught on tape and the whole world saw how he comported himself with women.

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Who wrote this absolute pile of garbage?

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The irony of a Former IDF soldier teaching Great Ideas in Politics and Ethics. Should we really be suprised he behaves like this?

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I case he needs it I have $1000 towards his defense. Just tell me where to send it.

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You can give $100,000 still won't erase the video showing the world he's a P.OS. trying to intimidate a female by forcing himself on her while she is practicing her constitutionally protected right to demonstrate. Maybe it makes you feel more like a man to support someone with the same abusive tendencies towards woman but it will add nothing to your intelligence or fill the hatred and emptiness in your heart.

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Very generous of you. I know he's talking to a lawyer. Please feel free to communicate with me via email if you'd like to support him.

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"The whole thing was entirely performative and self-evidently a set up. That’s abundantly clear.". Who are you to say this? besides, a professor teaching courses about Political Theory doesn't know how to control himself from getting physically aggressive with a woman, and call her a "bi*ch"? I wonder what else are you really okay with defending? Besides, the worst of all was his ignorance, shouting at her with "go back to Jihad"!! ROFL

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It would seem that FIRE is the place Prof. Yudelman should turn to.

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I hope the University of Austin stands by him. That is just what this institution should be about — not caving to the leftist-fascist mob.

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Did you even read the article? If you did, you would know it is Arizona, not Austin. Figures - facts do not matter to people like you.

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What are you talking about? I'll give you a hint: you don't know.

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The point of what this Jonathan yudelman did, is he thrust himself onto a woman. Regardless of reason thats sexual assault. Thats a pervert who should be locked up.

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The statement that he was "a guy who got caught up in a protest on his way to work" is not accurate; in his own words to a televion news crew from the Phoenix NBC affiliate, he was at the protest because he felt that as a faculty member, he should support the pro-Israeli demontration. It is as a faculty member that his behavior is most concerning. He teaches undergarduates in a subject matter in which there are likely to be frequent class discussions in which students may express a wide variety of points of view, and some of these will possibly differ strongly from his own beliefs. He should be of a temperament to handle such a discussion calmly, and may also need to the personal skills to enable him to calm students who become overwrought in such a discussion as well. Yet the video shows that he clearly lost control of his emotions and nearly backed a young woman into the street. Is this the person one wants to see teaching young people? Can you imagine if that were a student, backed literally into a corner of a classroom, by the professor of the class for expressing an opinion with which he disagreed? This man should not be teaching. https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/asu-scholar-on-leave-after-video-of-incident-with-woman-in-hijab-posted-online-210467398001

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Waiting for the piece defending Harvey Weinstein

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And don't forget about Jeff Epstein!

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Louis C.K. was just using the loo

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So while faculty around the country are screaming Death to America, there are bad actors who are actually pretending that THIS is beyond the pale? Give me a friggin’ break.

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Who is screaming death to america lmao 😅

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Maybe you should look harder.

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And that's from Times of India.

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It was so bad that the White House had to publicly condemn the chants on Michigan campii, but I guess the news didn’t trickle down to the low info voters.

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I mean here you are defending a man who physically intimidated a woman and called her a b*tch because some people are yelling death to america somewhere else so maybe people are not buying your bs anymore. Low info voters lmao

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It’s not a defense of this man who I don’t know, it’s a comment about proportion, and the idiots who would blow up this incident of a man yelling at a woman who provoked him into something outrageous, while thousands of people are committing felonies as they protest against America. LMAO low info morons

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I think he's asking you for evidence, which I imagine you're having difficulty finding. The only chant that's being condemned is "From the river to the sea". The White House cannot produce any proof for the claims that are being made, yet there is video everywhere. I can find video of every claim against Israel, or Biden, but none for the claims you are making. What's wrong?

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It looks like Phil Oliver has you covered in his comments above...

Low info indeed.

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No, I've watched that video. You mean the one where the same footage of one man screaming "Death to America! It should burn!" is used several times across a video that otherwise shows people chanting against corporations, anti-union people, and people supporting the violence. Then there is foreboding music put in the background.

Everything is showing people's right to protest, protected by the 1st amendment. If this is so widespread, and the protestors are the problem, why can you only find one masked person saying these words directly into a camera? There are multiple videos of Israeli military embedded with LAPD, of Israeli agitators--all doing the things that the anti-Zionists are accusing them of. The other camp seems to have lots to say, but precious little to show that gives any truth to their claims.

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He was properly DOXED!!!

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