Academia is a noxious blight on our society. When Mao birthed his Red Guards he didn't pack them with students by accident. The little nitwits are a petri dish for every crackpot idea that comes down the pike, and it's way more fun to riot than try to sort out the players in the war of the roses.

This will continue until we hurt the universities, and hurt them bad, by cutting off all government funding, student loan programs, eliminate deductions for contributions, and tax their endowments. Let them squeal like a pig.

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My first thought when seeing this page was, “Redneck Intellectual’ is a contradiction in terms. My second thought, after reading your screed was that the first was correct. Let’s perform an intellectual exercise, shall we? Go back in time to the birth of this republic, and eliminate ‘academia’ from it, 1776-2024. Tell your readers what you think would have become of this nation.

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You might be more right than wrong. "Redneck Intellectual" is not a contradiction however much the two may be like water and oil. In my opinion faith and reason aren't contradictions either as each has its place in the mind/brain. While slightly out of place "philosopher king" or "armed prophet" are similar juxtapositions.

I know no magical trick to eliminate academia from the republic, but if I were to try I would begin by banning writing taking the side of the Egyptian king, who feared writing was a techne that would dull memory. Without writing you would have oral history and greater "faith" would be put on memory. Without writing faith and reason would be seen/experienced as a single phenomenon. Reason processing a recollection, or acting more immediately outside history. That said you could have writing without having academia.

I am just here because I am working on an epic fantasy trilogy that quite differently from Ayn Rand sets foward a perspective on "God" or the relationship between omnipotence, omniscience and benevolence in quasi human history. In the scope of my novels such a question is taken up by a sect of people known as the "Browns", but contra the cliche that knowledge is power(Bacon belongs to the Greens) the "Browns" have very little in the way of omnipotence or "power" because they drone on incessantly.

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The Republicans in the AZ legislature continue to fund this behavior.

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Nice try but I have watched the video of Dr. Jonathan Yudelman (whom many people wondered was packing a gun in his back pocket) physically intimidated, sexually harassed and discriminated against, and verbally assaulted a young woman wearing a hijab.

The problem is that the American public have been trained to not see Arab people's humanity. So you see a white man in Yudelman and a terrorist in the Hijabi girl.

Dr. Yudelman was very much in the wrong and deserved to lose his job for indecent, abusive and intimidating conduct.

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"Arab people" have been trained not to see Arab people's humanity. That's why you'll find Arab people throwing gay Arab people off roofs, Arab people caching weapons in Arab people's hospitals, Arab people lynching other Arab people on the pretext of being "spies," and Arab people electing governments that ensure it all continues by constantly trying to exterminate their neighbors, even after those neighbors left the neighborhood in 2005. In fact it's more accurate to say that "Muslim people" do all those things, because Arabs can be and are representatives of many religions.

You can stop with the hyperventilating, buzz-word victim-mongering, too. Everyone sees through it, including you. Any ratbag who stands around on street corners screaming and harassing passersby deserves whatever language she gets in return, and no doubt can take it. If she were an easily-bruised, delicate hothouse flower she wouldn't have been howling for genocide in public, but even if she were that much of a sissy, there's no such thing as the right to not be called a bitch.

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Every single claim in this is unsupported. And especially that coy and cute little aside about how "many people wondered." Is this what passes for a reasoned statement? Wow!

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Unsupported? Are you blind? He was physically intimidating, sexually harassed her based on her gender, and verbally abused her. He also spouted racist slurs at her. Every single part of his behavior was vicious, uncouth, and unbecoming of a professor.

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HAHA stupid old man. Crying like a little girl. This is full of slander. I was at the protest and we weren’t being an “aggressive mob” you old poon. I can guess that you’re a fake Christian and I can guarangoddamntee you you’ll be sent to eternal hell on judgement day old fool. Now go fester in hell little devil 🖕

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What a thoughtful and nuanced response! You are certainly very persuasive!

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Why thank you good sir very much appreciated

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You say your mob was not being aggressive? Based on your language here, I think you've effectively proved yourself wrong.

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Well when I see someone spreading bullshit I do get a little riled up so pardon me. Don’t act like you idiots don’t get riled up. Hypocrites

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So, Brad, Yudelman has a worthy champion in the Redneck Intellectual. I will happily employ every tactic at my command, including holding my breath until I pass out, to support him but would be grateful for any suggestion of something a little more effectual.

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No, no, you’re on to something here. Go for it, hold your breath, and if you’re fortunate, you’ll turn from redneck to blue. It’s a good color for you.

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Fiat justitia ruat Caelum...

Considering the current state of American jurisprudence, and the American Academy, the heavens will have to fall to set them aright.

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Yudelman isn't getting due process, but the comparison to Dreyfus is over the top.

Here's a link to video of the event. Yudelman is rather "in your face" with the woman, but we don't know what happened immediately prior.


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Why don’t you post the public contact information of people we can email, text, or call? It is not fixing to give contact information that is work related.

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Not doxing

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