May 22, 2021Liked by C. Bradley Thompson

Is there a 'sport' for planting one's tongue firmly in one's cheek? If so then you are truly an Olympian. Awesome (and hilarious) comments on all these 'competitive' activities...thank you!

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May 23, 2021Liked by C. Bradley Thompson

I missed a lot of those comments. My friends and I used to joke about an ultimate triathlon: 15 rounds, 18 holes, 500 miles. But I think that one of your readers topped that. Bullfighting and mountain climbing plus motorsports sounds Hemingwayesque. Plus you can eet stake if you win.

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May 26, 2021Liked by C. Bradley Thompson

I recall an ABC show, Superstars, in which athletes from different sports competed. Football running backs, including O. J. Simpson, seemed to be the most frequent winners.

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Re Morris Dancing, my grandmother would scream at my brother, my cousin and myself for anything remotely similar, even without hats.

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Somebody continues to be quite full of himself.

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I know you're doing this to get a reaction, but still... dance is purely a 'reacreational' activity? Ballet dancers are fitter than anyone and they have the most grueling selection. Try doing this, and then keeping this level of activity up for 3 hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfmSv0z205s

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As regards "anything with weapons" - here's Singaporean Wushu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0oYxkWbI6E

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You also don't bother to define "sports", and I would expect better from a fellow Objectivist. If you bother to look into the root of the word, you find that sport originally meant recreation, so drawing a distinction between the two is idle.

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