Hey Mr. Prof! If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to think about appearing on "The Reason we Learn's YouTube program again. Have you checked out her Twitter (insomnochick) account? She's quite a nasty piece of work. She throws the f-bomb around a lot and comes unglued when she disagrees with somebody. Here's her latest on Fauci: "Said the runty rat- faced fucker who probably got picked last for kickball." She's hardly an example of enlightened and intelligent conversation. She also had a nasty tweet about some band "ruining" her daughters 18th birthday because they cancelled because of covid concerns. I guess she and her daughter weren't capable of getting over their disappointment and coming up with another fun activity. It's fine if she disagrees with Fauci, but calling him a "runty rat-faced fucker who was probably picked last in kickball," did it for me. Would it be bad form for me to call her a hysterical shrill snowflake? I guess it's better than calling her a "rat-faced fucker" at least.

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Attack me all you want, but not women and children who have nothing to do with my post.

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