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AS THE GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS FAIL IN VIRTUALLY ALL WAYS (except Friday Night Football) . . . the “Number of Families Homeschooling Soars as Parents Find Their Kids Performed Well at Home.”
READ MY LIPS: Over my dead body! “MPs call for national register of home-educated children.”
HOW CAN YOU NOT THINK THAT AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ARE THE SINGLE WORST INSTITUTION IN THE COUNTRY? At what point do you say, “enough”? “Baltimore Student Who Failed All But Three Classes In Four Years Was Ranked In Top Half Of His Class.”
DON’T BE FOOLED! Equity is code language for socialism. CRT is the means and socialism is the end. You heard it here first at The Redneck Intellectual. “‘Equity’ in Education: Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcome?”
TO BE CLEAR: IT’S NOT JUST THE GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. Critical Race Theory (née: race-based Marxism) has infected most private schools via their accrediting bodies. I strongly urge you to read this article to see how and why America’s entire education system is corrupt and CANNOT be saved. It must be abolished. Just Walk Away. “Why Private Schools Have Gone Woke.”
But families seeking less ideological schools have been struggling to find them, several parents told the Washington Free Beacon, because all the accreditors mandate the same ideology. The rapid restructuring of curricula is less the result of a free market responding to customers and more the result of demands by the National Association of Independent Schools, a centralized, self-dealing bureaucracy that has largely eliminated parent choice. . . .
Two forces hold that cartel together: diversity consultants who benefit from the accreditation establishment, and parents who are unwilling to challenge it because it serves as a pipeline to elite colleges. At the behest of the association, accreditors create demand for the consultancies, which in turn create demand for the association’s services, including its own DEI resources. Parents dissatisfied with this feedback loop nonetheless face pressures to tolerate it: Opting out could jeopardize their kids’ ticket to the Ivy League. . . .
The association’s priorities tend to dominate the market because it has a near monopoly on training tools, market research, and other services that help private schools remain competitive. In order to join the association and fully access its services, schools must be accredited by an association-approved organization.
Read the full article here.
RACISM ALERT—Administrator’s Edition. School administrators are lying in order to promote Critical Race Theory. “Watch: School Admin Condemns 'Psychologically Violent' History of Country That Obliterated Slavery.”
YOUR CHILDREN ARE NOT YOUR CHILDREN. Don’t forget that teachers are your children’s “second parent,” which means they get to determine the content of what their/your children learn, particularly when it comes to sex. “Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting.” Are you ok with this?
One parent spoke out against the “global campaign to promote sexualized material to grade school children which is heralded by the UN, championed by Planned Parenthood and is now making its way into the Carmel schools.”
She noted some of the titles available at elementary schools, including “Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship,” which uses a teddy bear to teach kids that gender isn’t determined by biology. There is also “Sparkle Boy,” about a toddler’s cross-dressing tendencies, and “Call Me Max,” in which a kindergarten girl gets a teacher to call her by a boy’s name.
RACISM ALERT—Minnesota Edition. This is what fighting back looks like: “Upper Midwest Law Center Files Lawsuits Against a Minnesota School and Health Care System for Critical Race Theory ‘Bullying’.”
IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Can we at least all agree that America’s so-called “ed” schools (i.e., the teacher-training institutions) are not only intellectually corrupt but morally corrupt as well? “Radical Educators Who Want to Tear Down Public Education.”
When did school boards and parents decide that the central role of contemporary public school education—at a time when test scores and overall achievement in basic academic skills have been in decline—is to focus on race, to obsess about racial and social justice, to indoctrinate children about their respective roles as either oppressors (if they are white) and oppressed victims (if they are black), and to use schools as training camps for grooming activists to try to reshape society through restorative justice, social equity, critical theory, and the demonization of whiteness and the notion of white supremacy?
The simple answer is that such decisions were never made, and that graduate schools of education, teacher’s unions, social activists, the Black Lives Matter movement, and assorted race hustlers who profit from forcing well-intentioned people to see everything through the lens of race have taken it upon themselves to deconstruct existing public school education and to attempt to transform schools into places where identity politics are promoted, refined, and used as a way of galvanizing power and influence, both within school systems and outside in the broader American society.
Public school education was not created as a way of facilitating social engineering, other than its desire to create citizens who were literate, familiar with history and science, and who could become productive voters, workers, and parents in later life.
But no one ever assumed, nor was permission given, for teachers to radically shift the emphasis from the important basic knowledge of writing, reading, and math to radically and relentlessly focusing on race, tolerance, bigotry, victimization, oppression, white supremacy, and social justice and trying to shape the moral and social values of young minds.
CLOSE THE “ED” SCHOOLS NOW! Do you now see why America’s government school system is suffering from systemic . . . wait for it . . . stupidity? America’s “ed” schools have long been recognized as the bottom feeders of higher education, but this new Ph.D. program (in Marxist studies) puts them firmly into Soviet or Maoist territory. “Students can now become a DOCTOR of ‘equity and social justice in education' at this Illinois university.”
The coursework will cover “educational systems and social learning theories” — includes topics such as “educational equity,” “gender, race and ethnicity,” “neurodiversity,” “democracy, diversity and social justice,” and “public engagement and advocacy,” among other topics.
AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION HAS BECOME A CLOWN SHOW: “U. of Illinois-Chicago professor reported to school for urging student to turn assignment in on time.”
ON THE ORIGINS OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY. As we knew all along, it’s just the latest version of twenty-first century Marxism. Don’t let them tell you differently: “The Moment in 1986 When Critical Race Theory Ousted the Civil Rights Movement.”
ON THE DEEPER ORIGINS OF THE LEFT’S ATTACK ON FREEDOM: “The Roots of the Elite Left's Attack on Freedom.”
RACISM ALERT!—Yale Edition. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO YALE: “‘White supremacy’ and ‘racial capitalism’ are infused in the cities: Yale architecture course.”
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Have a great weekend!
If grade schools used phonics and high schools abolished school football, which would provoke more opposition?