The other problem is the catastrophic loss of credibility by the public health authorities. This was deserved but when something really deadly shows up, they won't be believed. The dropoff in the rates of traditional vaccination is already evident. The only fix is a rigorous review carried out under the supervision of a skeptic like RFK.

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Great post! If you haven’t read A Plague upon Our House by Scott Atlas MD I highly recommend it. Thanks as always for sharing evidence-based content.

P.S. To those readers who subscribe, without evidence, to vaccines as lifesaving medicine, I recommend you look up Social Desirability Bias or read Bryan Caplan on the this subject. Just because something sounds good doesn’t always mean that it is.

P.S.S. To those readers who know someone 80 years or older who died “from COVID”, I would encourage you to check out the mortality rate of 80+ year olds who contract a form of respiratory illness or the flu. As the great Thomas Sowell has reminded his readers: correlation is not causation. If you’re still outraged about this fact ask yourself how many older people died because of government lockdowns and not making high risk individuals and the elderly a priority from day one.

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From US Right to Know (obtained through FOIA)


Below is the link to the channel (PDF)


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If you read the 700 pages of Slack Channel (private message group) from the government scientists who wrote the Proximate Origins paper you'll see that they knew it came from the lab... right up until Fauci told them to change their story.

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Any special reason why people believe the CIA *this time*? They're lying. Again. As usual. There was no "novel virus." There was no pandemic. There was nothing but lies all the way down. The lies cashed in on credulity and ignorance and used fakery with a not-fit-for-purpose "test."

The "lab leak" is the shiny object they're distracting people with this week, along with "personalized AI vaccinations cure cancer." The lab/pangolin distraction cashes in on decades of Hollywood fiction and keeps people from realizing that not only was there not a pandemic in 2020, but there's never been a viral pandemic and therefore we don't need "preparedness" for another one. There was definitely a manmade assault on civilization, though, and it wouldn't have been possible without the craven cowardice and compliance of billions of people. If you want to know who to blame for the "pandemic," and if you clapped on a slave muzzle, stood on a floor arrow, let someone ram a stick into your nose to see whether you were sick or not, or if you held out your arm for a shot, then look in the mirror and you'll see the guiltiest party of all. Your cooperation made the entire scam possible, along with its massive violation of individual rights.

I'll tell you what I knew in January of 2020: that "covid" was a moral pop quiz. It wasn't necessary to know anything about virology, epidemiology, ventilators, 6-feet vs. 6-feet-one-inch, or the micron size of a particle. It was necessary to have a moral compass. Given that, anyone would understand viscerally and immediately the profoundly evil precedents being set by accepting "lockdowns," "mandates," muzzles, and all the rest of the theater.

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Not one of your best roundups. The government botched the lockdown and evidence suggests that the virus was started by an unintentional lab leak that the Chinese government wouldn't acknowledge. But the vaccines were a life-saver. To say that they've caused many deaths and cause people to get COVID is to stray into conspiracy-theory territory. Let's stop giving money to Chinese labs, but let's keep vaccinating the elderly, like me!

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Hi Mike: I provide many scientific articles, news accounts, and videos by world-recognized authorities. I'm just trying to follow the evidence and the science. Best,


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There's one piece of evidence that tells me that a great evil-- a conspiracy, even-- was visited upon us. That evil was the massive suppression of inexpensive, remarkably safe drugs that had solid evidence of efficacy against Covid. These were suppressed because if they were effective, then the vaccines couldn't get EUA. They wanted to vaccinate us with experimental RNA drugs, huge $$$ for pharma and great harm to the population.

See, for example, Dr. Pierre Kory's book, "The War on Ivermectin." See also Dr. Nass' extensive investigation into the suppression of hydroxychloroquine. https://ahrp.org/how-a-false-hydroxychloroquine-narrative-was-created/

I suspect that Covid and the vaccines are part of the eugenics trajectory that never died out.

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This is so bad. It's almost beyond caricature.

Let's just start with one example, this claim added without comment "NOT GOOD: World Health Organization officially confesses COVID shots CAUSE monkeypox".

If you follow the link provided, and look where that claim is coming from, it is looking at a list of conditions that have been reported after someone took the vaccine. The website is explicit that this does NOT mean that the medicine caused the reported condition. In other words, if I get a vaccine, then get scratched by a cat and report I have "cat scratch disease", these people would claim that COVID shots CAUSE cat scratch disease. This is an actual example, because if you follow the instructions given by the Link Dr. Thompson provided, you can see that "cat scratch disease" was reported in almost twice as many cases as monkeypox.

To go through all the other links he provides, to show that they are of similar low quality, would take days of work.

Very disappointing in someone who is supposed to be a scholar. Should I assume his books have this level of rigour?

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Where's the description of the causal mechanism whereby the sars-cov-2 vaccines cause death? Most of your cited links contain commentary and speculation. The German study concludes there's a correlation, but more studied is required.

When science is co-mingled with politics, thinking clearly goes out the window. So, it's very hard to understand the nature of health protocols. We need a complete separation of science from government.

Please don't post correlations studies or opinion in the future on vaccines. Stick with History and Thinking Methods.

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I am sure we can all agree where the virus originated the question is how we determine whether it was handled properly. By this time, I believe we have all come to one conclusion or another in that regard.

I seem to remember a time when the right not only followed science but said that there is no objectivity in determining the truth only the facts. Now they have gone 180 degrees embracing conspiracy theories and dismissing inconvenient truths with a wave of the hand as "fake news". One truth that virtually everyone can agree with is that America is deeply, and perhaps even dangerously divided over where the boundary between fact and misinformation lies. Our strategy of attempting to deal with this divide by fact checking questionable claims however is not enough. No matter how much incontrovertible evidence we present to them or lack of proof they provide they remain entrenched in their illogical position and the chasm between us and them remains. Ideological supremacy or owning the left has become the bottom line in today's post-truth MAGA America and President Trump not only built his reputation on it but is the poster boy for this movement. Which involves another hypocrisy from previous beliefs the right has adopted. "Emotion". The right at one time preached "I don't care about your emotions just the facts". But their facts are now under assault and nowhere is this concern over the decline of truth more apparent than in the preoccupation with the need to fact check President Trump and his administration.

Which brings me to why this old school Conservative refuses to go to the barricades in support of the new right. While I agree with them on a number of issues their hypocrisy, strong-arm methods and demand of zero-sum results, to accomplish their goals doesn't reflect any conservatism I am familiar with.

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Hi Brad,

I no longer believe viruses exist. No COVID, no AIDS, no contagion. My understanding is that isolation of a so-called virus has never been done. Certain people will claim to isolate “viruses” but look at their methods.

What’s my credibility? None. I’m not a scientist. I’m compelled by the work of Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Jon Rappoport, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Michael Yeadon and others.

Cheers 🎸😎👍


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Don’t you mean “monster made”?

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Welcome to the party, Brad!

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