Thanks for writing this, Brad. This aggressive act by Garland is the final straw. There is now no doubt that the Left is on the hunt for those of us who support the First Amendment.

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So what? You think an editorial is going to save us? Read my reply above. I am doing what you are doing, and trying to do more, but our voices won't change a thing. Neither with this editorial.

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What else can we expect from a (large) group of people who label words in opposition to their desires as "violence" and "micro-aggressions''? But seriously, it is painfully obvious that the Progressives have laid claim to a right over America's children that they themselves have no right to. If my children were still of school age, they would be enjoying homeschooling right now.

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I have a passion for books - I buy and sell books. I also read a lot and many of the books I sell are retired books form public school libraries. I discovered something about these books which sheds light on the subject of what's happening in our pubic schools - no mispelling....

the books written in the 50's nd 60's and now retired are of great value. I sell a lot of the and i believe not just to collectors. the subject matter of these books (biographies, history, fiction is far more balanced than what's in the school libraries today. The writing style and content of these books was far more demanding of the reader - the student. What is really evident is that things have changed in the schools - and not for the better.

The books written in the 80's and 90's aren't worth a fig. The subject of the same type of books had changed - there was a clear lack of balance, the books had gotten a twist to the left. The writing style was less demanding and demonstrated how much students' reading ability had declined.

This should be considered when looking at the current business of parents' anger at what's being taught today.

it also reveals that a lot of people were asleep at the wheel -parents, politicans, school boards and most of all teachers. to be ignorant of this left wing bias in the books used demonstrates

a lack of concern AND an evident bias on the part of the so called professionals called teachers.

parents should be aware that the ed schools are the cess pools of most universities. EXAMPLE -

SAT scores of ALL students is about 900. SAT scores of students majoring in education is about 850. Ed school majors are not the brightest bulbs in the deck....

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It gets worse. Soon they’ll be forcibly injecting every parent’s 5-11 year old with the flawed vaccines, killing or maiming thousands of children with no scientific basis, all to give teachers peace of mind, supported by a senile grifter president who still thinks “vaccinated” people “cannot spread Covid”.

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There is no God to relieve man from the basic moral responsibility of focusing his mind onto reality. The vaccines are almost completely safe, vastly more than the fantasy safety of evading vaccines. There is no alternative. Man must rely on the knowledge that he produces with his own mind. Man must have the courage to recognize and act on this. Trumps panicked evasion of the early need for test, trace and isolate was part of the cause of 600, 000 dead Americans and $trillions of economic loss. Democrats also had no solution. Taiwan had very few Covid deaths and a very few days of school closings. The Republican respect for rights is limited to tiny things. Where is the Rep opposition to the Trump-Biden $trilliions of spending? Reps and Dems are equally against rights but Reps pretend to be pro-rights. Eg, their depraved, Christian attack on the natural right of abortion. Theres no difference between the tyranny of Dem communism and Rep Christianity. Jesus was a commie. ""it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Substitute "be moral" for "enter the kingdom of God" and youve got Dem politics. Dems got their politics from the early Christianity evaded by Reps. Ayn Rands rational selfishness is the only alternative.

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lol wut?

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The vaccines are almost completely safe, vastly more than the fantasy safety of evading vaccines. There is no alternative.

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Not even the worst Nazis and commies of the past would accept that men can have babies I therefore submit that today's left is far more evil than anything the world has ever seen and once they seize the opportunity for full political expression the left will exterminate by the billions. These aren't yesterday's Nazis and commies, this is something entirely new and the strategies employed to win the battles of the past no longer apply.

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> Not even the worst Nazis and commies of the past would accept that men can have babies

Good point. It is bizarre.

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Same old leftist agitprop. They relentlessly accuse us of terrorism, eventually we decide we might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb, and then, well, they hang us.

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Time to talk about breaking up the US

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Private Schools, home school, or simply vote those members off the board, it's your community you take control of it, stop depending on the government to give you a soup sandwich.

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The NYT reported Oct11 many challenges to school boards. This could be the start of a bigger movement.

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I agree, and I predict these school boards will do away with allowing parents at school board meetings. They’ll make parents go through metal detectors. They’ll also forbid recordings, and will bring in a heavy police presence at every meeting, when parents are present. The parents that are most vocal will be targeted with IRS audits, just like Obama’s goons did to Tea Party Patriots.

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The letter to the DOJ comes from people who believe that “speech is violence”. Is it any surprise the school boards would react this way?

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Brilliant. I've been outraged all week, and you perfectly explained why.

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You usually seem to be outraged about something. I think your criticism about this situation may be warranted although I don't know much about it.

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Oh, and thanks for mentioning me in your Twitter. Yes, cutting down on all the f-bombs on your Twitter is, in fact, an improvement. F-bombs at this point have become so common they're not shocking. If you go around dropping them all the time, though, it can take hurt your credibility in some people's viewpoints. One little bit of advice - It's not a good look to badmouth your ex-husband on Twitter. Rise above it and complain to family members and friends and keep this kind of shit out of your social media. You might be interested to know that I have a relative who works in a small elementary school in a small town-rural community. They have none of the "woke" stuff going on that you cover so relentlessly. Many parents and guardians are happy with the public school education their children receive. You have some valid points sometimes, but you tend to portray every school as being full of social justice warrior staff. You need to get out in the world where this isn't' the case and get another viewpoint.

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The threat to the NSBA is that schools might have to teach reading and writing and arithmetic.

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The NSBA are fools.. it is ones who do NOT threaten they need to watch out for..

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This same kind of thing has been happening to doctors and other health care providers who go against the "established" covid care and say natural immunity is the way to go. Also, I read another blog that Garlands' son-in-law has a company that is distributing all this CRT crud.

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Good essay but OUTDATED. Levin revealed last the night extent of the collusion and report sent IG Horowitz demanding an investigation.


Because it knows the rest of us will write editorials, wring our hands, complain, gripe, vote (that's a joke now) and keep on working. We don't march en masse. Why not? We don't surround their homes. Why not? We do not march by the tens of thousands in DC. Why not? We don't carry bats, or bricks or push back with equal force? Why not?

Our hope that civil discourse reason, logic, and the law and judges will save our country. We are way past that now.

I know how this story ends. Freedom loses.

I know history, and this does not go in any other direction unless SOMEONE WITH A NATIONAL VOICE mobilizes the public, and pushes back. HARD AND FAST.

Unless someone does, America is doomed. You thinks Mitch and the boys in Congress, even if they take it back a year from now, will do a damn thing? Do you hear them now? [Crickets...] They are in on the grift and the scam.

See you in the gulag, brother.

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> Our hope that civil discourse reason, logic, and the law and judges will save our country. We are way past that now.

Reason takes mental work and the long run. Conservatives never had any ideas, have no ideas now and reject ideas on principle. They have their emotions and short-range common sense which cannot solve big, complex abstract problems like protecting individual rights. They have God and guns. They are not the alternative to the Left. They claim that a woman has no right to her own body, but, somehow, has a right to determine public school policy and own a gun. When was the last time that Republicans defended individual rights? When did Republicans oppose public education as tyrannical and socialist? Republicans didnt even oppose the $trillions of looting by Biden and Trump. They just want a little less looting. Conservatism is the problem , just as much as Leftism.

Americans need individual rights, not tradition or equality. Americans need their right to guide their actions with reason protected by govt.

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Actually this is the correct take. Social conservatives are the core problem. As you say you can’t have the message that women are both too stupid to run their own affairs AND be clever enough to play with guns and protest the government; one of these positions needs to be modified. Either grown adult women are children, or they are not. Can’t be both. That the right wingers can’t seem to grasp the collision of these ideas is mind boggling.

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Funny, your moniker is randomengineer, but you fail to realize that there’s no collision of ideas when one understands physiology. If you’re referring to conservatives being pro-life, the human baby growing inside of a mother’s womb is not a part of the mother’s body, but is entirely a different person with their own set of chromosomes and their own unique dna. The mother’s body ends where the baby’s body begins. Even though the mother’s body nourishes the baby’s body through the placenta, that baby is it’s own individual and most conservatives recognize this medical fact. And yes, the baby is alive at the first heartbeat. It’s astonishing that there are still certain types that try to deny these facts.

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> The mother’s body ends where the baby’s body begins.

The fetus is part of the mothers body , a separate life only when born.

> the baby is alive at the first heartbeat.

The fetus is a potential baby.

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The comment about women was about riights, not smarts. A state that legally owns your body legally owns what you can do w/it, eg, protestng, owning a gun, owning a bank account. This is inspired by an idea from Ayn Rand.

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I always wondered why the DOE has 3 SWAT teams. Now we know, it is to be turned loose on the parents.

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DOE is responsible for stopping attacks on energy production, inc/nuclear. Your emotions are not a guide to knowing reality.

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